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Beta Testing EnvIt - a Maya script leveraging Bifrost

Beta Testing EnvIt
This image took 36min to render because the Adaptive Sampling was set to 10.
EnvIt is a script being developed by WiZiX that leverages the extreme power of Bifrost, the visual node-based programing system for Maya. More information about EnvIt here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/R3Ox9X
For this test scene, I created a landscape resembling Yankee Boy Basin (https://goo.gl/maps/qogumv6BLbF5UTwz8) outside Ouray, in Colorado. I exported a 4k mesh from Gaea and used a high poly Bishop Pine for the scatter asset. EnvIt does a great job of creating an Arnold .ass file, so the scene stays fluffy light. I've got 90k trees in this scene, in full preview mode, and there's zero viewport stutter.
Lighting test. Right side is overcast and left is direct. Both HDRI Skydome's intensity=1.
More light testing for intensity, direction, subsurface and shadows.
Side Note: Rendered GPU AA=2 + Opitix imager w/default settings produces this wonderful painted feel.
GPU AA=2 + Opitix imager w/default settings produces this wonderful painted feel.
Next, is remove trees from river areas and off-road surfaces.
Proof of concept. This image shows trees removed from the river bottom.
TAB-selecting faces on the landscape where we don't want the trees to grow. Then extract, combine, and add that new object as a "-" Surface.
This process is working, so time to continue for all the rivers, roads, and camping areas.
Beta Testing EnvIt - a Maya script leveraging Bifrost

Beta Testing EnvIt - a Maya script leveraging Bifrost
